Tajweed Ijazah Course




Skill Level

One Year



Fee per month
(11 sets)


Fee Per Term
(4 Sets)


Welcome to the Tajweed Ijazah Course by Dar Al Irshad, where the art and science of Quranic recitation come to life. We blend tradition with modern teaching methods to make Tajweed both inspiring and accessible.

The Science of Tajwīd finds its roots in a profound Quranic verse: “And recite the Qur’an with tartīl.” [73:4] Tartīl embodies the art of reciting the Qur’an with a deliberate and measured cadence. 

Echoing the significance of this science, al Imām Ibn al Jazarī’s poetic masterpiece, “al Muqaddimah,” emphatically declares,

 “To master Tajwīd is both a necessity and a [sacred] obligation. One who fails to recite the Qur’an with Tajwīd commits a disservice, for Allāh’s revelation arrived with it (Tajweed) and from Him has it reached us as such.”

At Dar Al Irshad, we are unwavering in our dedication to nurturing our students into masters of the intricate science of Tajweed. Our accomplished Quranic instructors are not just educators; they are enthusiastic mentors, determined to instil a profound comprehension of Tajweed in every student. 

While many Tajweed courses may offer only a cursory glance at foundational concepts like nūn sākinah and mīm sākinah, we stand out with our resolute commitment to education. Our students embark on a profound journey through the complex tapestry of Tajweed, equipping themselves with in-depth knowledge and mastery. This unwavering commitment sets us apart and guarantees a truly enriching learning experience.”

By successfully completing this course, you will:

Who is the course for?

Learning Path

Our curriculum unfolds in two distinct segments, each meticulously designed to enrich your Tajwīd journey. Part One delves into the theoretical foundations, while Part Two invites you to immerse yourself in practical application.

In this foundational level, we are committed to guiding you seamlessly through the fascinating journey of Tajwīd by grasping its fundamentals to delving into its origins.

Within TAJ01, our focus is on introducing you to the essence of Tajwīd. Here, we will explore:

– Fundamental concepts and terminology in the science of Tajwīd

– The 17 Makhārij of the Ḥurūf

– Ṣifāt al Ḥurūf: Lāzimah & ‘Āriḍah

– Rules pertaining to Lām & Rā’

– Guidelines for Nūn Sākinah, Tanween & Mīm Sākinah

– Principles of Sun & Moon Letters

– Techniques for dealing with Madd & Its Types

– Insights into the Rules of Waqf

Our teaching approach involves delivering lessons with meticulous notes on Word, accompanied by diagrams and tables. This method aims to simplify the rules, providing you with a clear and transparent understanding of this intricate science.

Dive into the rich tapestry of knowledge with Al Qaṣīdah Al Khāqāniyyah, a profound 51-line Ode crafted by al Imām Abū Muzāḥim Mūsā b. ʿUbaydillāh b. Khāqān al Khāqānī (d. 325 AH). Notably, this masterpiece stands as the inaugural written treatise on the Science of Tajwīd.

In the immersive journey of TAJ02, we will meticulously study the Ode, focusing on the following key aspects:

  • The Origin of the Science of Tajwīd & Its Development: Uncover the roots and evolution of the Science of Tajwīd.
  • The Qualities of the Ḥamalah al Qur’ān (Bearers of the Qur’ān): Explore the noble attributes of those entrusted with the Qur’an.
  • Ādāb of the Qur’ān: Delve into the etiquettes prescribed for engaging with the Qur’an.
  • How to Learn the Qur’ān, Tajwīd & Qirā’āt?: Gain insights into effective methods for acquiring proficiency in the Qur’an, Tajwīd, and Qirā’āt.
  • Scholars of Tajwīd & Qirā’āt: Acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of scholars in the realms of Tajwīd and Qirā’āt.

Work: Al-Muqaddimah Al-Jazariyyah: Unveiling the Essence of Tajwīd

Penned by the esteemed Imām al-Qirā’āt Abū al-Khayr Muḥammad al-Jazarī (d. 833 AH), Al-Muqaddimah Al-Jazariyyah, a 109-line ode, serves as the bedrock of Tajwīd.

In TAJ03, we dissect this poetic masterpiece not just for memorization but as a launchpad into intricate discussions, exploring the causes, foundations, and complexities of Tajwīd. Brace yourself for an unparalleled educational journey, transforming the way you perceive and master this sacred science.

In the immersive journey of TAJ02, we will meticulously study the Ode, focusing on the following key aspects:

  • The Origin of the Science of Tajwīd & Its Development: Uncover the roots and evolution of the Science of Tajwīd.
  • The Qualities of the Ḥamalah al Qur’ān (Bearers of the Qur’ān): Explore the noble attributes of those entrusted with the Qur’an.
  • Ādāb of the Qur’ān: Delve into the etiquettes prescribed for engaging with the Qur’an.
  • How to Learn the Qur’ān, Tajwīd & Qirā’āt?: Gain insights into effective methods for acquiring proficiency in the Qur’an, Tajwīd, and Qirā’āt.
  • Scholars of Tajwīd & Qirā’āt: Acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of scholars in the realms of Tajwīd and Qirā’āt.

For students seeking extra support, we offer 2 additional one-on-one 20-minute sessions on separate days, designed to enhance your learning experience and ensure your success.


Course Instructors

Our distinguished instructors are dedicated to your success:

Theoretical Instruction (Males & Females): Muftī Ḥumza I. Khan

Practical Instruction (Males): Muftī Humza I. Khan

Practical Instruction (Females): Ustadhah Safiyyah I. Khan

Dates and Timings

Commencing on February 11, 2024, ending on December 08, 2024

Duration: One Year

Day: Sunday

Timings: 07am – 09am (Melbourne Time)

Access our academic calendar here.


$99 p/m [11 sets]

$239 p/term [4 sets]

Student Special: Enrol in both the Tajweed and Diploma of Islamic Studies courses to enjoy a 15% discount on the Tajweed course.

Are You Ready To Start?