Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to frequently asked questions here.

About Us

Dar al-Irshad is on online learning institute looking to offer guidance to people from different ages and backgrounds.

Our mission and purpose can be found here.


Courses at Dar al-Irshad target different audiences. Each course has its own audience. Generally, our audience are teenagers and adults.

Unfortunately, at this stage, our courses are not accredited. However, we do offer certificates of proficiency or participation depending on the programs. These will hold unofficial credibility. In the future, we will endeavour to have our courses certified inshāAllāh.

We take course instructors and teachers very seriously at Dar al-Irshad. We make it a task to get appropriate teachers for our programs.

All our courses are provided under the umbrella of Dar al-Irshad.

This will depend on the course. Some lessons will have video conferencing while others will only be with audio.

Some courses will have assessments and exams while others may not.

Currently, we use the Zoom program to deliver our courses. However, depending on the course we may alter our delivery platforms.

Yes, we do. Click here to access some of our free courses.


Yes, usually recordings for the lessons will be provided unless the course is only designed to be live.

The recordings will be the ownership of course Dar al-Irshad. Nonetheless, attendees can use recordings for themselves.

No, publicising the recordings or sharing them with others without express consent from the admin will be considered a breach of trust. This could lead to removal from the program altogether without further deliberation with no return of the fee.

Payment and Fees

The money can be sent via PayPal, Wise, Western Union or Direct Bank Transfer.

Yes, you may receive a 100% refund for your fees if you wish to leave the program but only if the program has not started. After the program starts, no refunds will be given.

Preferably, we would like to offer Islamic learning for free as our goal is to deliver the Qur’ān, Sunnah and Islam to every deserving person. However, we chose to place a fee on the course for the following reasons:

  • From our past experience, we have learned that most students do not take free courses seriously and often do not complete them. But, when people pay for something, they begin to take it more seriously and are more motivated to continue.
  • The fees are very reasonable. If a person had to travel physically, the expenses in fuel, time and money will most likely be much more.
  • The course director(s) will be spending much time preparing for the lesson which will cut on his time to earn livelihood. By receiving a fee, more time can be devoted to preparing a lesson of a higher quality as the students deserve.
  • The most correct opinion of al-Imām Mālik, al-Imām al-Ṣhāfi’ī, al-Imām Aḥmad and the chosen opinion of the Ḥanafī scholars is that receiving a fee for teaching the Sacred Islamic Sciences is permissible. In fact, the Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘ālaihī wa sallam said: “The thing for which you most deserve to take payment for is the Book of Allāh”. (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī)

Dar al-Irshad will mostly offer a few options to ease the process of the payment on the student, some of which are:

  • Early bird options (to a limited date)
  • Instalments
  • Bundle payment for more than course
  • Discount on one-time full payments

If a person cannot genuinely pay for the course, then he/she can email us for an application form.
