Islamic History



1.5 Hours

Duration Per Lesson

6 Months

Course Duration


Early bird
(Ends 25th Dec 2023)


After Early bird


Dar Al Irshad offers an extensive course on The Islamic Golden Age. Explore the expansion of Islam, the rise of Umayyads, Abbasid empire, and successor states, classical Islamic societies, material culture, Crusades, Mongol invasions, Colonisation and Muslim societies’ responses.

As Muslims, our connection to Islamic history forms the bedrock of our identity and heritage. Just as a body needs its skeleton, Islamic education relies on historical understanding. Studying Islamic history unveils the diverse applications of Islam in societies, its evolution across landscapes, and its generational transformations. The flourishing of sciences during the Golden Era emerged from this historical context, adapted uniquely by various cultures. Our history carries invaluable lessons, guiding us in navigating the complexities of plural societies and modern nation-states.

Embark with us on a profound exploration of The Islamic Golden Age, a course meticulously designed to unravel the intricate tapestry of Islamic history. Discover the profound ways in which Islam was woven into the fabric of diverse societies, evolving across landscapes and generations. Delve into the genesis and evolution of classical Islamic societies, marvel at their material culture—encompassing awe-inspiring architecture, vibrant arts, and timeless literature.

Dar Al Irshad proudly presents an extensive course on The Islamic Golden Age, encompassing pivotal aspects:

  • Inception & Expansion of Islam
  • Rise of Umayyads and Abbasid Empires
  • Emergence of Classical Islamic Societies
  • Material Culture: Architecture, Arts, and Literature
  • Crusades, Mongol Invasions, and Muslim Responses
  • Trade Routes in Mediterranean and Indian Oceans
  • Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires
  • Anti-Colonial Intellectual and Political Movements


This comprehensive course chronologically explores key political events from the 6th century to the Ottoman arrival in the Middle East during the 16th century. It provides a window into the societal and cultural conventions of medieval Middle Eastern societies, as well as the intellectual and political pushback against colonial forces in emerging Muslim nations. Through a comprehensive study of Medieval Islamic history, this course provides the foundational knowledge necessary to comprehend contemporary Muslim societies and transnational Islam.

Join us at Dar Al Irshad to journey through the rich tapestry of Islamic history, discovering its relevance to our present-day world.

By successfully completing this course, you will:

Who is the course for?

Why Choose Us?

Sessions in this Course

Session #1: Unveiling Islamic History: Foundations and Significance

Session #2: Mercy To All Worlds: Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ

Session #3: The Rightly Guided Successors: Successors and Divine Guidance

Session #4: Navigating Post-Conquest Trials: First Fitna and Umayyad Era

Session #5: Power And Piety: Abd Al-Malik And Umar II

Session #6: The Early Abbasids: Establishment Of Baghdad To The Mihna Of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal

Session #7: Waves of Faith: Conversions and the Rise of Ahl Al-Sunna Wa’-l-Jama‘a

Session #8: Political Sects: Kharijism, Imamis, Fatimids, Assassins, And The Qarmatids

Session #9: Inward Journeys: Tazkiyah, Zuhd, and the Essence of Sufism

Session #10: Intellectual Flourish: Natural Sciences And Hellenistic Philosophy in Islamic Lands

Session #11: Turmoil and Encounters: Saljuqs and the Crusaders (11-12C)

Session #12: Islam In The Maghrib: Spanish Umayyads, Almoravids, Almohads

Session #13: Shadows of Change: Mongols and Mamluks (13-15C)

Session #14: Expanding Horizons: Islam’s Reach in Africa, India, and Anatolia

Session #15: Rebirth Of Empires: Ottomans, Safavids, And Mughals (15-17C)

Session #16: The Ottoman’s Splendour: Governance, Society, and Religious Dynamics

Session #17: Navigating Colonial Times: Resistance and Resilience

Session #18: Transformation in the 19th Century: Reformism in Istanbul and Cairo

Session #19: Islam in a Changing World: (De)globalization and Contemporary Realities

Dates and Timings

Commencing  on the 17th of February 2024

– Registration Deadline: 09th February 2023

Duration: Six months

Duration Per Lesson: 1.5 Hours

Timings: 04:30PM-6:00PM AEDT


Pay in Full: $199 (20% Early bird offer)

After: $249

Pay in 6 Instalments: $37.99 per month

Are You Ready For Lvl 1?

Upcoming Levels:

Course Overview:

In Islamic History Level 2, elevate your comprehension by exploring the extensive layers of history, understanding how they’ve shaped the Islamic world. Unravel the intricacies of our past through the comprehensive and meticulous work of the esteemed historian, Dr. Ragheb al Surjani.

Embracing the entirety of his insights promises a richer and more profound understanding, drawn from authentic sources that illuminate the depths of our heritage. Engage deeply with his work to acquire a heightened awareness, enabling a thorough exploration of historical authenticity and its impact on our worldview. Unveil the Essence of Historiography within this journey, immersing yourself in its core principles, authentication methods, and the art of discerning authentic historical sources. Develop the acumen to sift through historical information, distinguishing the truth from mere narratives, and expand your perspective on this profound and enlightening science.

Works to be studied:

  • History: Al Mawsū’ah al Muyassarah Fī al Tārikh al Islāmī by Dr. Raghib al Surjani (2 Vols) in its English Form as: “The Simplified Encyclopedia of Islamic History”.
  • Historiography: A Compendious Introduction to the Study of Historiography.


Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the student is expected to have the following skills:

  1. Comprehensive Historical Insight: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical narrative encompassing the Islamic world through in-depth exploration of Dr. Ragheb al Surjani’s comprehensive work.
  2. Critical Analysis Skills: Develop critical analysis skills to evaluate historical information and distinguish between credible sources and biased narratives.
  3. Historiographical Expertise: Acquire expertise in historiography, understanding its core principles, methods of authentication, and the ability to navigate through various historical sources.
  4. Enhanced Perspective: Broaden your worldview by discerning the impact of historical authenticity on shaping perspectives and ideologies, fostering a deeper appreciation of cultural and societal shifts.
  5. Application of Knowledge: Apply acquired historical and historiographical knowledge to contemporary contexts, fostering a deeper understanding of modern-day implications and relevance.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2 Years

Time: TBA

Starting: TBA

Course Overview:

Islamic History Level 3 is a comprehensive exploration that delves into pivotal episodes of Islamic history with a detailed and analytical approach. This course offers in-depth studies, discussions, and critical analyses of significant eras, events, and dynasties that shaped the Islamic world.

Course Structure:

Courses to be covered:

– Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ- Full Detail

– Deep Study of Muqaddimah Ibn Khuldūn

– The Khilāfah Rāshidah: The Four Khulafā

– The Golden Age

– Ummayyad Era: Rise and Fall

– Abbasid Era: Rise and Fall

– Ayyubid Era: Rise and Fall

– The Ottoman Empire: Rise and Fall

– Islamic Dynasties

– Ibn Battuta’s Travels

– Islam in Europe

– Masters of Egypt

– Colonisation of the Muslim World

– Delhi Sultanates: Rise and Fall

– The Modern World

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completing Islamic History Level 3, participants will:

– Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Prophet’s life and the pivotal events during the Seerah.

– Analyze and critically assess the key concepts presented in Ibn Khuldūn’s Muqaddimah.

– Understand the principles and governance of the Khilāfah Rāshidah and its impact.

– Explore the flourishing era of Islamic discoveries, advancements, and cultural achievements during the Golden Age.

– Examine the rise, zenith, and decline of the Ummayyad, Abbasid, and Ayyubid eras, discerning their historical significance.

– Gain insights into the establishment, expansion, and eventual decline of the Ottoman Empire.

– Analyze the diversity, evolution, and impact of various Islamic dynasties.

– Trace Ibn Battuta’s extensive travels, exploring cultural exchanges and historical encounters.

– Understand the influence of Islam in Europe and its historical impact on European civilizations.

– Explore the complexities of Egypt’s historical transformation during the Masters of Egypt era.

– Examine the impact of colonisation on the Muslim world and its lasting repercussions.

– Analyze the rise and fall of the Delhi Sultanates and their contribution to Islamic history.

– Gain insights into the dynamics and changes of the modern world from an Islamic historical perspective.


The course will be delivered through a combination of lectures, discussions, readings, and multimedia presentations. Assignments and assessments will encourage critical thinking and analytical skills to deepen the understanding of each historical epoch.


Prior knowledge of Islamic history or completion of Islamic History Level 2 is recommended but not mandatory for enrolment in this course. Participants with a keen interest in history, culture, and the evolution of societies will find this course highly rewarding.

Brief Description of the Sub-Courses in Islamic History Level 3:

  1. Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ- Full Detail:

Thorough exploration of Prophet Muhammad’s life, teachings, and the significant historical context that shaped his legacy within Islam.

  1. The Khilāfah Rāshidah: The Four Khulafā:

An in-depth study focusing on the governance, leadership styles, and pivotal contributions of the first four rightly guided caliphs in the early Islamic Caliphate.

  1. Rise and Fall of the Umayyads:

In-depth exploration of the Umayyad Dynasty, analyzing its rise to power, achievements, and eventual decline.

  1. Abbasid Era: Rise and Fall

Examination of the rise, cultural achievements, and eventual decline of the Abbasid Era, highlighting its pivotal role in Islamic history.

  1. The Golden Age:

Exploration of the Golden Age of Islamic discovery in Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphs’ reign, discussing advancements in sciences, arts, and culture.

  1. The Ayyubid Era: Rise and Fall

Examination of the Ayyubid Era, detailing its rise, governance, cultural impact, and eventual decline.

  1. Islamic Dynasties:

Periodic and chronological study of Muslim dynasties, analyzing their rise, influence, and impact on Islamic history.

  1. Ibn Battuta’s Travels:

Tracing Ibn Battuta’s voyages across diverse continents, highlighting cultural encounters and their reflections in Islamic history.

  1. Delhi Sultanates:

Comprehensive history of the Delhi Sultanates, examining their founding, rule, and historical legacy.

  1. The Ottoman Empire:

Historical study of the Ottoman Caliphate, exploring its origins, expansion, governance, and eventual decline.

  1. Islam in Europe:

Comprehensive examination of the Islamic history and heritage across Europe, exploring its influence from Al-Andalus to the Ottoman Empire.

  1. Masters of Egypt:

Analysis of modern Egypt’s formation, from Napoleon’s invasion to Mehmed Ali’s reign, studying its societal and political transformations.

  1. Colonisation of the Muslim World:

Examines the enduring impact and implications of colonization on various aspects of Muslim societies, encompassing social, economic, and cultural transformations.

  1. The Modern World:

Analysis of key global events, ideologies, and societal shifts spanning from the 18th century to contemporary times, shedding light on the development of our modern-day world.

  1. Historiography: Al Muqaddima

Critical study and analysis of Ibn Khaldun’s al-Muqaddima, dissecting its contents and implications, delving into its historical significance and themes, and exploring key methodologies and approaches in studying historical texts.

Course Details:

Skill Level: Advanced

Duration: 2 Years

Time: TBA

Starting: TBA
