Shāfiʿī Fiqh & Uṣūl Course




Skill Level

One Year



Fee per month
(10 Sets)


Fee Per Term
(4 Sets)


An intermediate study of Islamic law through the Shāfiʿī school of jurisprudence. The course will cover both substantive law (fiqh), as well as its legal theory (uṣūl al-fiqh). A comprehensive reading of the former will detail both chapters pertaining to ritual acts of worship (‘ibādāt), as well as interpersonal dealings (mu‘āmalāt), including sales and transactions, family law, governance, and more. The latter will detail methods of understanding the legal mechanisms and devices of divine law (sharī‘a), methods of extracting proofs from them, and discussions pertaining to the nature of the jurists and jurisprudence (ijtihād) as a whole.

Books | Texts

Fiqh: Matn Al-Ghāyat Wa al Taqrīb Fī Fiqh Al-Shāfi’Ī by Al Imām Abū Shujā’Aḥmad b. Ḥusayn b. Aḥmad al Aṣfahānī (d. after 500 AH/1106 CE)

 (with commentary)

Uṣūl: Kitāb al-Waraqāt by Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī (d. 478/1085) (with commentary)

By successfully completing this course, you will:

Who is the course for?

● Under the instruction of Shaykh Omar Abu Bakr. See his bio HERE.

Dates and Timings

Starts 08th March 2023 & ends 20th Dec 2023

Dar Al Irshad’s academic year in 2023 will run over four terms:

Term 1: Mon, 06 March to Thu, 20 April
Term 2: Mon, 01 May to Sun, 02 July
Term 3: Mon, 10 July to Sun, 24 Sep
Term 4: Mon, 02 Oct to Sun, 24 Dec

Days & Timings:

2-Days a Week:

Tue: 07:30pm – 08:15pm Melbourne Time

Wed: 07:30pm – 09:00pm Melbourne Time

Are You Ready To Start?
