Mālikī Fiqh & Uṣūl Course




Skill Level

One Year



Fee Per Month
(10 Sets)


Fee Per Term
(4 Sets)


An intermediate study of Islamic law through the Mālikī school of jurisprudence. The course will go over substantive law (fiqh), and its legal theory (uṣūl al-fiqh). A comprehensive reading of the former will detail both chapters pertaining to ritual acts of worship (‘ibādāt), as well as interpersonal dealings (mu‘āmalāt), including sales and transactions, family law, governance, and so on. The latter will detail methods of understanding the legal mechanisms and devices of divine law (sharī‘a), methods of extracting proofs from textual sources, and discussions pertaining to the nature of the jurists and jurisprudence (ijtihād) as a whole.

Books | Texts

Fiqh: al-Muqaddimat al-ʿIzziyya li l-Jamāʿat al-Azhariyya by ʿAlī al-Munūfī al-Mālikī al-Shādhilī (d. 939/1532) with the commentary al-Jawāhir al-Maḍiyya by Ṣāliḥ ʿAbd al-Samīʿ al-Ābī al-Azharī (d. 1335/1916)

Uṣūl: Kitāb al-Waraqāt by Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī (d. 478/1085) with the commentary Qurrat al-ʿAyn by Muḥammad al-Ḥaṭṭāb (d. 954/1547)

By successfully completing this course, you will:

Who is the course for?

Learning Path

  • Introduction to Fiqh & the Mālikī School
    • The importance of following a madhhab
    • Picking a madhhab
  • History & Development of the Mālikī School
    • Imām Mālik ibn Anas and the School of Medina
    • Ibn Abī Zayd and the Early Generations
    • Khalīl ibn Isḥāq al-Jundī and the Later Generations
    • The modern period
  • Mālikism: the Main Texts
    • Mudawwana
    • Risāla Ibn Abī Zayd
    • Mukhtaṣar Khalīl
  • History of the Mālikiyya in the Islamic West
    • Aghlabid dynasty
    • Fatimid/Zirid Tunisia
    • Almoravids
  • General Notes on the School
    • The Mālikī School as the ‘strictest’ madhhab
    • Modern appeal of the madhhab
    • Some standout figures: Ibn Rushd, Ibn Baṭṭūta, Ibn Khaldūn, Ibn ʿArafa, Usman dan Fodio, ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jazāʾirī
  • Introduction to al-Muqaddimat al-ʿIzziyya
    • Imām ʿAlī al-Munūfī al-Mālikī al-Shādhilī (d. 939/1532): a short biography
      • Mamluk and Ottoman Egypt
      • Why he wrote the book
      • History of the book
        • Commentaries
      • Brief overview of what the book covers
    • Introduction of the Muqaddimat al-ʿIzziyya
    • Chapter One: Purity
      • Types of water
      • Substances animate and inanimate
      • Requirements of ablution
      • Istinjāʾ
      • Nullifiers of ablution
      • Tayammum
      • Wiping over the khuffayn
      • Menstruation and post-partum bleeding
    • Chapter Two: Prayer
      • The five prayers
      • Making up missed prayers
      • Praying during sunrise
      • The adhān
      • The iqāma
      • Conditions of prayer
      • Obligations of prayer
      • Sunan and mustaḥabbāt of prayer
      • Sujūd al-Sahw
      • Jumuʿa
      • Conditions of imāma
      • Prayer as part of the congregation
      • Praying while traveling, combining prayers
      • Ḍuḥā
      • Funerary prayers
  • Chapter Three: Zakāt
    • Zakāt in general
    • Zakāt on land
    • Who receives zakāt
    • Gold and zakāt
    • Ṣadaqat al-Fiṭr and its obligation
  • Chapter Four: Fasting
    • Conditions of the fast
    • When one may not fast
    • When to end your fast
    • Blessings of fasting
    • Sunna fasts
    • The Mālikī tradition of Ramadan
  • Chapter Five: Iʿtikāf
    • Conditions of iʿtikāf
    • What breaks iʿtikāf
    • History of iʿtikāf in Muslim societies
  • Chapter Six: Pilgrimage
    • Basic overview
    • How Ḥajj is done
    • Iḥrām, conditions and sunan
    • Particularities of ʿUmra, doing it many times,
    • Visiting the Prophet (saws)
    • Chapter Seven: Slaughtering Animals
    • Slaughtering animals for general consumption
    • Slaughtering for Eid
    • Slaughtering for ʿaqīq
      • Discussion of ʿaqīq
  • Chapter Eight: Marriage and Divorce
    • How marriage is done
      • Conditions for marriage
    • Polygamy
      • Polygamy among Mālikīs in the modern era
    • How divorce is done
      • Some marriage advice from classical Mālikī scholars (to avoid this)
      • Getting back together
    • Justice and fairness between spouses
  • Chapter Nine: Buying and Selling
    • The fiqh of doing a basic commercial transaction
      • Discussion on the views of some later Mālikī ʿulamāʾ on more advanced commercial transactions
    • The prohibition on interest
      • Discussion on the views of some modern Mālikī ʿulamāʾ on the interest issue
    • Chapter Ten: Inheritance
      • How the shares are divided up
      • Exclusion and shifting of inheritors
      • What prevents one from inheriting
    • Chapter Eleven: Obligations, Sunan and Etiquette
      • Creedal requirements for every Muslim
        • What is known in the religion by necessity
      • Intercession of the Prophet
        • The debate on this in the Mālikī school, modern Salafi challenges
      • Corrupt financial practices
      • Playing games, creating images
      • Socializing with women
      • Questions of Sufism
  • Introduction to the Waraqāt and Imām Juwaynī
  • Importance of this text in uṣūl
  • Who was Imām Juwaynī and why did he write the book
  • Introduction to Qurrat al-ʿAyn and Imām Ḥaṭṭāb
    • Place of this text in the Mālikī School
    • Who was Imām Ḥaṭṭāb
    • How do Mālikī and Shāfiʿī uṣūl differ
  • Introduction of Qurrat al-ʿAyn
  • Defining uṣūl al-fiqh
  • The seven aḥkām
  • Knowledge and ignorance
  • Divisions of uṣūl al-fiqh
  • Types of kalām
    • Majāz
  • Command and prohibition
    • Whether the kuffar are addressed by the Sharīʿa
  • The general and the particular
  • Summarized and clarified speech,
  • Actions of the Prophet (SAWS)
  • Abrogation (naskh)
  • Contradictions
  • Consensus (ijmāʿ)
  • Reports (akhbār)
    • Ruling by the opinions of the Companions
  • Analogy (qiyas)
  • Forbidding and permitting
  • The priority of evidences
    • Tarjīḥ in the Mālikī School
  • Muftī and mustaftī
  • Ijtihād
  • Conclusion of the Waraqāt


Course Instructors

● Under the  instruction of Shaykh Junayd Greer. See his bio HERE.

Dates and Timings

Starts 07th March 2023 & ends 20th Dec 2023

Dar Al Irshad’s academic year in 2023 will run over four terms:

Term 1: Mon, 06 March to Thu, 20 April
Term 2: Mon, 01 May to Sun, 02 July
Term 3: Mon, 10 July to Sun, 24 Sep
Term 4: Mon, 02 Oct to Sun, 24 Dec

Days & Timings:

2-Days a Week:

Tue: 07:30pm – 08:15pm Melbourne Time

Wed: 07:30pm – 09:00pm Melbourne Time

Are You Ready To Start?
